Marching Band season started today with the first performance, a parade in Tamaqua, Schuylkill County. They played one of Danielle's favorite marching songs, "Officer of the Day", and some Beatles music from the field show. First game is Friday night, then we are truly underway. Tamaqua is a small, less than prosperous town that grew from the coal mining industry in the area. Here is one of the beautiful creeks that run through the town, I crossed over this walking to the parade route:

This was a pretty "old-school" style parade centered on Fire Engines. We began with the American Legion:

Saw some bagpipe groups.

Clydesdales pulling the wagon from the local dairy. There was an Amish guy inside it driving the horses.

This is something you don't see everyday:

This is maybe from the 30's? Not sure.

More piper guys:

North Schuylkill High School Band, they had about 40 kids in it.

I'd guess this is late 40's or early 50's.

The Shriners "Tin Lizzy" division:

Shriner's String Band:

Tamaqua High School Band. They had over 100 kids, I think.

Yuengling Beer is made nearby:

And here comes Exeter, at the tail end of the parade due to an equipment bus breakdown:

There is just no fitting 210 kids in the shot:

That is the end!