Every Christmas Eve, my parents, brothers and our respective immediate families take turns gathering at each other's houses. This year was mom and dads turn.
Mom and Dad's Tree:

First, there is food, and lots of it:

Then, a gathering forms, consisting mainly of the younger crowd, anticipating presents:

But some of us are still on the food, or like Mom, waiting around to clean it up:

I hate having my picture taken, but I allowed my nephew to take it, so here is how I look if you are the size of an 8 year old boy. Scary.

Now it's time for presents:

Next, we get to play with the toys:

Or just goof around a little bit:

Perhaps head back to the food:

Then, there are obligatory photo ops. Here are my 3 girls, with one nephew making bunny ears:

My niece Nikki and her boyfriend Scott:

Steph and Simon:

Brother Dean, his wife Kathy and their boys Mickey and Ryan:

Brother Bud, his wife Andrea and daughter Jackie:

My mom and dad:
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