Traditionally on Thanksgiving Day, we go to my parents house around 10AM and help Grandma prepare the feast. I used to go by myself and the kids would come closer to dinnertime, but now that they are older, they help out a lot. We sit down around 1PM for a great dinner, then do a big clean-up and spend the rest of the day picking at the remains of dessert. And there are usually a lot of remains.
Here are Steph and Simo:

Amanda and Danielle got hold of my camera and were doing some self-photography:

My mom's Aunt Lydia usually comes to Thanksgiving, it's pretty much the only time we see her. We think she is mid-80's but she'll never admit it:

Here are the 'men' in the family. I barely included Simon in the picture, to the left, then my brother Dean in the back, brother Bud right up front, then my Dad on the right.

Here are some of the ladies (and one ladies man) lined up for the buffet. Kathy on the left is my brother Dean's wife, Ryan is their son. Katie and Sara, the red-head and the blonde, are my brother Bud's step-daughters, and his daughter Jackie is in the back.

Here are my parents:

Dean and Kathy's boys Ryan and Mickey (6 and 8). Ryan (my godson) does not think much of my photography skills.

Mickey is a handsome little devil. He's only 8 and he's so tall. He's going to be a giant like my brothers.
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